Encouraging Young People
The Purbrook Horticultural Society aim to encourage children to the world of gardening. People of all ages and abilities are welcome to join us. Schools may also join the Society by having a named individual as the card holder. Spring and Summer Shows have special classes aimed at young people.
Every year the Purbrook Horticultural Society aim to encourage children to the world of gardening. We discuss such subjects such as -
How Vegetables and Flowers grow;
To help children become aware of seasons and seasonality of foods;
Help them with the patience and dedication required to enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Previous Inter School Results
In 2019 the following schools were awarded trophies for their competition entries. All of the school entrants were worthy winners of a Trophy. We would like to extend our grateful appreciation to the generosity of members attending the June PHS meeting using coins as votes, and the sum of £30 was raised and granted to Barncroft Primary in order to purchase further gardening supplies.
Barncroft Primary
Leigh Park
Padnell Primary
Petersgate Primary
Purbrook Junior School
Purbrook Park Secondary
St Alban’s Primary
West Leigh
Warren Park Primary
Leigh Park